
Сообщения за 2024

SSL connection from GNS3 Docker through a corporate security

 Corporate security has become very restrictive. A joke is that even Pearson VUE connection test is failing from my corp laptop. One of the recent issue I had when started Practical Python Cisco Network Automation chapter from INE CCNP learning path. The built in Docker network automation container in GNS3 wasn't connecting, returning "failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate: certificate signed by unknown authority."  in the logs. First help came from here  https://forums.docker.com/t/tls-failed-to-verify-certificate-x509/137486  with two commands checking connection and showing certificate chain.  curl -vvvv https://registry-1.docker.io openssl s_client -showcerts -connect registry- 1 .docker.io: 443 </dev/null | more Those clearly indicated that there is a issue with certificate and there is something in the chain shouldn't be there: Cloud Services Root CA by a BlueCoat Systems. The solution came from here:  https://johnpfield.wordpress...

Juniper software. Part 1

 Intro The Great Juniper Firewall is welcoming visitors Over the last decades I was mostly working with routing and switching stack and corresponding protocols and techniques. OSPF, BGP, STP and MPLS were my best friends keeping me busy and feeding my family. What I am spending most of my time nowadays though are different pieces of software. When technologies seems to be stable, management, provisioning, orchestrating, and monitoring systems are booming around.   This is an attempt to wade through what Juniper offers in this regards, particularly for Juniper SRX firewalls. List is probably not complete:  J-WEB Junos Space Security Director Cloud ATP cloud Sky Enterprise Apstra Contrail Mist Being heavily involved in this project   Juniper & CTC  I'm familiar with Mist only and had to search about the rest. Some of those above came from the Juniper Open Learning training, which by the way is a brilliant initiative. Some are used by my clients. Agai...